How to develop for the Oculus Rift with Unity Free

What you'll need:

1. Oculus Rift (duh)

If you don't have one, you can: Make sure it's working and you have Runtime 0.4.3 and Firmware 2.12 installed:

2. Unity

Currently the only Unity Free versions that work are 4.5.51 and 4.6 beta2:

Update: user kersk (Oculus) says the following on reddit: "Yep, at least Unity 4.5.5f1 or 4.6b21 are required for free to work. You'll also want to upgrade since both 4.5.5f1 and b21 have some other good fixes for VR (such as fixing DX9 extended mode being capped @ 60hz, etc)."

  1. Personally tested with 4.5.5f1. The latest stable release.
  2. Version 4.6b21 reported to work by davehampson (Unity) on reddit. May be unstable. Has advanced UI, better suited for VR.

3. Oculus Unity libraries

Download and unzip the Unity 4 Integration:

4. Develop!

Read the fine manual:

If you want to, you can first test out how they created the excellent Tuscany villa demo:

  1. Start Unity.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Double-click OculusUnityIntegrationTuscanyDemo.unitypackage (unzipped in step 3) or import it using Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package....

To create your own VR scene:

  1. Open an existing project or create a new one.
  2. Double-click OculusUnityIntegration.unitypackage (unzipped in step 3) or import it using Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package....
  3. If your scene has an existing Camera or First Person/3rd Person Controller, disable it by setting it inactive.
  4. Add the OVRCameraRig or OVRPlayerController prefab to your scene. The prefabs are located in the Project pane in Assets > OVR > Prefabs and can be dragged into the scene or Hierarchy pane. If you use OVRPlayerController make sure there is a collider (floor) beneath it and set the Y-position at least 1.5 meters above the collider.

You can now:

Last update: 2014-11-03 | Part of